Depositioning a religion

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Brief:   Raise awareness of Yara - a Norwegian nitrogen fertiliser producer. Tell their story in a new way to farmers. Avoid scare tactics.

Insight:  Fertiliser is perceived as a negative by many growers and the public. This is because many uneducated farmers simply use too much assuming that the more fertiliser, the bigger the yield. In reality if too much is used the soil and local rivers are poisoned

Organic farming is a con, it doesn’t put nutrients back into the soil so is not a viable solution for world hunger. Whereas with Yara’s knowledge and products farmers actually can sustainably feed the world.

Solution:  Trump the organic movement by introducing a new food category and kite mark for food that has been grown using nitrogen intelligently. This is a new kind of crop grown with knowledge not politics, realism not cynicism.

A delicate little plant character becomes the storytelling device. He represents nature struggling to get fit enough to feed the world. The key role that nitrogen plays in helping nature is communicated within a light, visual, positive story.

There is a fundamental reason to care. We all believe nature is good and the problem is one shared by us all and therefore so is the solution.

Activation tactics

Pop-up 'Help Nature' food stalls appear outside supermarkets and schools. The launch film is activated by the packaging, customers watch the film and tweet about it in exchange for fruit and veg.

The little character is easy to gamify. For example achievement points redeemable at supermarkets, content encouraging participation and driving to a site where further participation is encouraged.

Vertical scrolling site telling the full nitrogen story. Below the ground are nutrients facts, above the ground are facts on how nitrogen is used for air purification by neutralising toxic substances. The plant grows with the number of supporters and captures their details.

‘Organic’ related keywords targeted to subtly deposition the organic movement

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